Mulled Wine
Mulled wine for small numbers
Apparently a “quickie” is to boil a teapot of chai (eg. T-2 brand chai) add water to a small pot and add half a litre of red wine. Simmer and serve like tea and add 1 teaspoon of honey per cup/mug (courtesy of Deb at CERES- thanks mate)
Hot Buttered Rum
To make one drink, rinse a mug in hot water and shake it dry. Put in one and a quarter teaspoons of caster sugar, one inch of cinnamon stick (or a pinch of ground cinnamon), a measure of rum and stir until the sugar has dissolved. Pour in hot milk, add half an ounce of butter, stir well and top off with a sprinkle of ground nutmeg.
Hot Toddy
In a saucepan, combine 1 cup freshly brewed Darjeeling tea, 1/4 cup whiskey, 1/4 cup ginger wine, 4 cloves, and a pinch of freshly grated cinnamon (a stick will do, too). Warm gently over a low heat; be careful not to boil. Allow to infuse for about 3-5 minutes. Strain into mugs and serve straight away.
Spicy Cardamon drink
Try this hot infusion of cardamom pods. Apparently this drink also aids digestion. To make this drink, put about 12 whole crushed pods into 6 cups boiling water. Add a strip of orange peel and brew for about 10 minutes. Add 2 tbsp black tea leaves, leave for 5 minutes more, and strain. Serve straight away with hot milk and honey.
In a saucepan, combine 8 teaspoons raw sugar, 4 teaspoons baking cocoa, 4 cups milk and 1-1/2 cups miniature marshmallows. Cook and stir over medium heat until the marshmallows are melted (about 8 minutes). Remove from the heat, stir in 1 teaspoon vanilla extract and ladle into some big mugs.
To make the "bouquet garni" (like a big tea-bag); boil a 20cm-squared piece of unbleached calico. To the cloth add 9 star anise, 9 tsp of ground nutmeg, 9 tsp of ground cinnamon, 9 tsp of ground cloves: Tie the "bag" with unbleached "cooking" string.