If you have never been to Collingwood Children's Farm, I suggest you go! It is an amazing oasis of greenery and old time feel right in the middle of inner suburban Melbourne. Check out their website:http://farm.org.au/. They have Farmers Markets, Family Days, animals, a little cafe, a barn, ducks, goats, sheep, peacocks, friendly (and not so friendly) farm cats, cows and horses. Obviously a wonderful place for kids to run around in a lovely open space!!

To celebrate Winter Solstice, Collingwood Children's Farm annually holds a Winter Solstice Bonfire. This is an old pagan type tradition which is so lovely to still see alive and well in our modern world which often detaches itself from recognising the cycles of the seasons . This celebration was full of lots of people, children, food, performers, fire sculptures (lanterns), fire-twirlers and a lantern parade for the kids which was a beautiful site to behold. I went with some friends and we had a lovely night... my only complaint would be that this event has become extremely popular and as such watching the bonfire being lit with thousands of people is a little overwhelming.
I thought I would share some fire photo's of this bonfire, to give you a feel of just how amazing it was! It was huge and the heat it released extraordinary!

Peace and light
Briony x