Lately Melbourne weather has been steamier than normal. Warm weather and lots of rain means the mosquitoes and flies hanging out in my back garden have been absolutely crazy. The are also unwanted house guests and at the moment I cannot even leave the door open for 2 seconds without them flying in to the house.
So basically I have had it, and my plan is in the next week or so to plant up some herbs and plants around the place that repel these pesky littly things. My thought was perhaps to even have pots dedicated to this purpose and place them near my doors and windows! So a little research and look what I have found. Eureka and happy planting to me!
What to plant around your garden.Some plants and herbs have the potential to naturally repel mosquitoes. They can be used in a variety of ways and if used properly can have an impact on the number of mosquitoes around your home. However, care should be taken when handling some of these plants as some people have a sensitivity to them.
• Plant Pennyroyal around the perimeter of the patio or in containers on the deck to help deter mosquitos and fleas. You can even crush a few of the leaves in your hand and rub them on your skin (avoid your face) to act as a natural mosquito repellent.

• Plant the variety of scented geranium called Pelargonium citrosum 'Vanieeni' also known as Mosquito Plant in containers on the deck or patio to repel mosquitos from the area. Scented geraniums are very tender perennials. Bring the plant inside as a house plant during the months when there is danger of frost.
They offer a localised protection against mosquitoes by releasing a citronella scent.

• Pennyroyal, Marigold, Basil and Rue - These species should be planted in pots and located near doorways and windows, to deter mosquitoes from entering the house. The leaves of these plants can also be rubbed into the skin, which acts as a repellent.
• Mint and Garlic - Mint and garlic can be used as an all-purpose insecticide. Mix equal parts of mint, garlic, onion and lavender and cover with water for 24 hours. Strain the mixture and then spray around mosquito prone areas.
• Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) is one of the stronger herbs. Grow it near a doorway to repel flies, or spread the leaves around to repel ants.
Some other deterrents (A-Z):Basil - will repel flying insects (flies & mosquitos, especially) if planted between your tomato plants. Helpful with tomato hornworms and asparagus beetles.
Catnip - use around eggplant to drive away flea beetles. Repels flea beetle, aphids, Japanese beetles, squash bugs, ants and weevils. Even mice don’t like to be around it. Mints are invasive, be careful. Researchers at Iowa State University found that nepetalactone, the essential oil in catnip that gives the plant its characteristic odour, is ten times more effective at repelling mosquitoes than DEET.
Citriodora - repels mosquitos.
Citronella Grass - plant in pots to repel mosquitos.
Garlic - seems to fit in anywhere - repels ants, aphids, flea beetles, mosquitoes, ticks, onion flies, weevils, borers, and spider mites. Roses benefit from garlic since it repels aphids. Repels Japanese beetles and other insects, good for planting near raspberries. Crushed garlic is a good addition to any homemade insecticide spray. Garlic cloves, placed in the ground around plants will deter slugs. Garlic is a natural pesticide against mosquito larvae. Plant under peach trees to control leaf curl and near roses to enhance scent.
Lavender - repels ants, aphids, moths and fleas. Use lavender sachet bags to protect clothes against moths. Also flies and mosquitoes dislike the fragrance, use the oil in insect sprays, or add the cut flowers to flower vases.
Lemongrass (citronella es) - add 1 to 2 drops (depending on your pets size), of lemongrass or citronella essential oil to your pets shampoo. It added a fresh clean scent and discourages fleas. Also a good mosquito repellent.
Lemon Thyme - plant in pots to repel mosquitos.
Nasturtium - repels aphids, ants, cucumber beetles, squash bugs, white flies, and borers near fruit trees. Mainly cucumber and squash will benefit. Acts as trap crop for aphids. Repels borers near fruit trees.
Pennyroyal - deter ants, aphids, fleas, mosquitoes, ticks, gnats, flies, chiggers and cabbage maggots. Brussel sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage will benefit from pennyroyal. Rub the leaves on your skin. Strew in cupboards and beds to deter ants and fleas. Disturb leaves occasionally.
Peppermint (& other Mentha sp.) - repels controls ants, aphids, cabbage loopers, cabbage grubs, flies, cucumber beetles, flea beetles, squash bugs, whiteflies, mites. Ants dislike peppermint, you can prevent them from entering by scenting cotton balls with Peppermint Oil, spraying along shelves, and entryways. Grow near roses to deter aphids. Scatter fresh or dried leaves around food to deter mice.
Rosemary - repels cabbage moths, beetles, mosquitoes, and slugs. Plant near beans, carrots, and cabbage.
Thai Lemon Grass (Cymbopogon citratus) - is an effective mosquito repellent
Personal Mosquito Repellent- A Jackie French Recipe!
4 tablespoons almond oil
1 tablespoon beeswax or paraffin (candle) wax
1 teaspoon eucalyptus oil (lemon gum oil if possible)
1 teaspoon lavender oil
1 teaspoon lemon grass oil
Place the oil and wax ina suacepan and heat until melted. Take off the heat and add the remaining ingredients. Allow to cool. Store in small jars.
To use, wipe very lightly on to 'hot points'- places like your wrists and ankles. Reapply every two to four hours.
Peace and light
Briony xo