Tiny Woollen Clothing
It's cold outdoors- obviously a time for woollen jumpers, jackets, gloves, mittens, hats, socks!! Most people own at least some knitted items in their cupboard. Personally I haven't even attempted knitting in over 20 years but to some it is an obsession and a wonderful winters past-time. But have you ever thought of miniature knitting or crochet?
Well, this seems to be the art of knitting incy, wincy, teeny, weeny, tiny little items of clothing using miniscule knitting needles (needles as small or smaller than .75mm in diameter) and extremely fine wool or crochet thread. AMAZING STUFF!!
Miniature knitting for the movie "Coraline" - an animated stop motion 3D fantasy!

Here's a video made by Althea Crome of "Bugknits" who is dedicated to miniature/nano-knitting.
This shows her teeny, weeny contributions to the movie "Coraline" written and directed by Henry Selick (Director of The Nightmare before Christmas).
I might even upload the movie trailer tommorrow.....
Written by Briony
Miniature Knitting Video- courtesy of Althea Crome (Bugknits)
"Coraline"- A film written and directed by Henry Selick (2009)
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