Saturday, May the 1st was Samhain, a time of the year to celebrate the end of the harvest, prepare for the winter and pay respects to ancestors. At this time of the year the veil between our world and the underworld is believed to be thinnest. Some celebrate this festival with bonfires and food and honor their ancestors. Others celebrate it as All Hallows Eve or Halloween.

So perhaps ironically/or perhaps even aptly? I went to the Melbourne Zombie Shuffle (which was certainly ghoulish!). This is rather crazy event, which began 4 years ago, where thousands of mad Melbournians join together dressed up as zombies and shuffle through the city!!! Covered in blood, gore and spattered with brains they chant "aaargh brains" and "what do we want?.... BRAINS.... when do we want them?.... BRAINS". This is certainly an amazing sight and a lot of fun. Of course it was the perfect photo opportunity, so please enjoy some of the portrait type pics I took.

Later in the evening, I went to Wendy Rules album launch "Guided By Venus" which was held at The Toff on Swanston Street in the city. Quite a good little venue with an upmarket sprit/wine list, but the music was definately what made the evening. It was a night of delicious, beautiful, memorable music combining folklore, mythology and magic. The sounds were so lush, and standing in a room of beautiful people drinking red wine was a very warming experience indeed..... just the perfect way to celebrate Samhain!
And to top it all off, my neighbour gave me pomegranates as a gift today from her tree.....now it's time to find a recipe ... perhaps steamed fish with pomegranate seeds.... yum
So all in all a lovely weekend..... may this autumn continue to be colorful and eventful!

samhain is not in may