Last Sunday I went to a Brown Owls Crafternoon afternoon in Carlton North. I spent the afternoon learning about the craft of felt, getting my hands soapy, playing with wool rovings to make them felt, talking and eating delicious home-made goodies. Mmmmm cupcakes, cakes, dips, strawberries, grapes, biscuits and red wine..... What a great way to spend an Autumn afternoon!
This crafternoon was rather inispiring for me. Not only was it an afternoon of texture and colour, but also an afteroon of opportunities. An afternoon to meet other crafts folk (and yes they seem to be generally lovely and talented) as well as an afternoon to re-establish my connection with a medium that I was once so enamoured by.

Brown Owls is recent discovery for me, but it would seem that it is a definate movement amongst craft circles, indeed probably any creative circles around Melbourne, Australia and even overseas. These afternoons allow for people to get together on a regular basis,craft together and share ideas.... what a wonderful initiative and what wonderful craft it will no doubt inspire!!
For our next crafternoon, we will be busy making tiny look alike Stitched Selves to contribute to the Stitch London Stitch Yourself Exhibition to be held at the London Science Museum. People from all around the world have been invited to send a tiny ( 6 inches high) stitched self to London so they can be put on display... These dolls can be crocheted, knitted, created out of felt pieces, adorned with lace, buttons, bead, embroidery thread, stuffed with wool.

So I guess a mini-stuffed-felted-bejewelled me who is about 6 inches tall is off to London by the 26th June.... how fabulous at last I can travel without really leaving home:)
With that, I would like to thank the wonderful Claire for creating the Carlton North Brown Owls Group and for allowing us the use of her beautiful home. I have only just met Claire, but her hospitality, generosity and general craftiness is a lovely thing to behold.
Written by Briony
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